
Your Greens Councillors for Inner West Council 2017-2021

Marrickville Ward/Midjuburi – The Marrickville/Midjubiri Ward of the Inner West Council is approximately contiguous with the area covered by the Marrickville Greens. Colin Hesse is the current Greens councillor representing Marrickville/Midjiburi Ward.

Councillor Col Hesse – 0401 719 124

Colin moved to Marrickville in 1985, and is passionate about the community. He served a term as a Councillor on Marrickville Council between 2004 to 2008. On Council he was instrumental in ensuring Council restarted its apprenticeship scheme; creating job opportunities for local young people, actively campaigned for the new public pools in Enmore and Petersham, and incorporating accessibility for people with disabilities into Council’s planning protocols.

Colin is also a member of Marrickville Heritage Society and Wolli Creek Preservation Society, an opponent of the WestConnex project, and a long time campaigner for public transport. Colin is a volunteer presenter of a local government focused community radio program on Thursday mornings on Radio Skid Row 88.9FM. He works in foster care, is a union member, an active supporter of live music, and a justice of the peace.

Stanmore Ward/Damun

Councillor Louise Steer – 0490 788 418

Louise is a long term resident of Stanmore, having raised a family while working as a solicitor and barrister. She is a dedicated community activist, keen to make her community a better place. Louise is committed to finding beneficial solutions to the affordable housing problem in the inner west, preserving local green spaces, and protecting the community against the destructive Westconnex toll road project.

Also an artist and performance poet, Louise mentors young artists, curates exhibitions and performance events at local art spaces. Louise is passionate about promoting artistic opportunities and keeping the local community vibrant.

Balmain Ward/Baludarri

Councillor Rochelle Porteous – 0418 213 054

Rochelle Porteous has a track record as a strong, principled, effective and accountable Councillor and Mayor of Leichhardt. Rochelle gets in and takes action when something is wrong. Whether it is campaigning to stop high rise development on the Balmain Tigers’ site; fighting to save Callan Park; achieving carbon neutrality for council or developing a supported asylum seeker project she achieves outcomes.

Rochelle is a leader in the campaign to stop WestConnex and in the campaign against forced council amalgamations. She currently works as an advocacy campaigner for a disability peak organisation. Previously she has run a women’s refuge and worked in social justice, political and environmental campaigner roles. She has also been a teacher, a trainer and run small businesses.

Ashfield Ward/Djarrawunang

Councillor Tom Kiat – 0403 491 018

A lawyer with Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, and formerly a student and researcher at the University of Sydney, Tom’s working life is characterised by his commitment to social justice, having previously worked resolving legal issues relating to immigration detention and homophobia. Tom attended high school in the Inner West and has lived with his partner in Ashfield for four years.

Since moving to the Ashfield area, Tom has been active in protecting the community from the State Government’s disastrous Westconnex project, and is also a member of the Inner West Council’s housing affordability strategic reference group. He is a keen user of cycleways and green spaces, and on council would like to see the natural environment of the Inner West preserved through a sustainable approach to planning and development.

Leichhardt Ward/Gulgadya

Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz – 0490 788 943

Born in Kenya, Marghanita migrated to Australia with her family in 1970. She was soon playing and coaching junior sports.

Moving to the Inner West in 1993, Marghanita is an advocate for footpaths, public transport, green spaces and sustainable development. She volunteers with the Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery, was an active member of Leichhardt Council’s Heritage Committee and Climate Change Task Force, where she advocated for LED lighting and Solar Panels.

Marghanita is a small business person who has assisted government, corporate, small and community enterprises with their adoption of information and communication technology.

Marghanita has a curated exhibitions at the local shops, library and Footprints ecoFestival. She also researches local history and presents it as short walks. Marghanita practices yoga and is an avid golfer.

Read about former Greens Councillors: