Category Archives: Greens in the media

Marrickville library saved from sale to property developer

17 March 2015

The Marrickville Greens have welcomed the vote by Marrickville Council tonight to reject the proposed sale of the planned Marrickville library site to a foreign property developer for $52 million dollars.

Maxma Developments Pty Ltd owned and controlled by sole shareholder and Director Xianhon Ma approached Marrickville Council to buy the site of the old Marrickville Hospital, which is currently undergoing an expression of interest process for construction of a new library, community hub and park.

The offer to buy the site was an unsolicited offer outside the current process.

In a letter to council Xianhon Ma’s lawyer Jeffrey Wong  said “Director and sole shareholder Xianhong Ma had been actively engaging in property development in Foshan, China for years”. The letter also claims that Xianhon Ma had constructed museums for movie stars Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

“But councils own due diligence revealed that Maxma Developments Pty Ltd was incorporated on 5 May 2014 and has only $100 in paid up capital. No security for the proposed transaction was offered by this entity apart from a 10% deposit” revealed Clr Leary.

The developer’s offer shows the developer planned to construct a 4 star hotel with 110 rooms, 400 residential units, an exhibition centre and commercial premises totalling 2000 square metres.

Up until this offer was received Marrickville council was involved in an expression of interest process for the construction of a library and community hub, 1200  square metres of park and residential and commercial development on the balance of the site including a minimum of 4% affordable housing.

“Council has never considered flogging off the entire site until this developer came along and if the developers offer had been accepted it would have derailed the process for the new library” commented Greens Councillor David Leary who succesffuly moved that confidential information relating to the project be released to the public at last nights meeting.

“The Old Marrickville hospital site has always been earmarked for use by the community for construction of a new library, community hub and a park. This was why Marrickville Council bought the site from the State government. Now that this deal has been rejected Council should get on with building these important community facilities without delay” said Councillor Leary.

Contact: Cr David Leary 0409 421 323

For more background and comments from Greens candidate for Summer Hill, Clr Max Phillips, see Greens Media Release from 15 March ‘Council should reject developer’s offer and stick with building a new library and new park’

Labor elects ex-Liberal Mayor

Media release 24 Sept 2014

The Labor-Liberal alliance on Marrickville Council last night voted to elect conservatives for both Mayor and Deputy positions. Despite an offer that would have ensured an ALP Mayor, the three Labor Councillors voted for Clr Mark Gardiner as Mayor and Clr Morris Hanna as Deputy. Clr Gardiner was one of two Liberals elected for the first time to Marrickville Council in 2012. Last Friday he announced he was becoming an independent.

“The Greens’ Councillors were so concerned about the conservative takeover of what has previously been a strong, progressive Council that we had offered to vote for a Labor Mayor this year,” said Greens Mayoral nominee Sylvie Ellsmore.

Over the previous two years of the Council term, the first time that Liberals have been  elected to Marrickville Council, the Greens have consistently raised concerns about development decisions being approved that exceed or short-cut Council planning laws.

Clr Ellsmore said, “Our offer did not require the Labor Councillors to vote for a Greens  Mayor, but instead asked Labor commit to some basic outcomes for the community, including greater transparency in development decision making.

“Last night’s decision shows local Labor would rather have a conservative mayor than risk shining a light on some of the recent development decisions of this Council.

“This was a disgraceful ceding of control over a Council with a proudly progressive history to conservatives – and in exchange for what? The ALP clearly had to offer so much to the conservatives through the deal that they were unable to field a candidate for even the Deputy Mayoralty position,” said Clr Ellsmore.

The Greens are aware that the deal between Labor, the Liberals and the Conservative  independents was personally brokered by the local MP and ALP faction heavy, Anthony Albanese.

Clr Ellsmore said, “This is a decision with significant consequences. It is a worrying sign for local progressive voters that this is how “Local Labor” does business, and how far they will go to avoid real transparency.”

The outgoing Mayor and Marrickville Councillor Jo Haylen is Labor’s candidate for the state seat of Summer Hill and helped broker the arrangement with the Liberal Party. Former Marrickville Councillor Penny Sharpe is Labor’s current candidate for the new State seat of Newtown.

“In the inner city, as across the State, it is clear just how much the major parties have in common. The Greens will continue to hold the new Mayor to account, and to work with the community to win back respect and trust in our democracy,” said Clr Ellsmore.

Media contact: Greens Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore 0403 977 213

More information

The Greens on Marrickville Council have four elected Councillors. There are three Labor Councillors, two Conservatives Independents and, until Councillor Gardiner’s official resignation from the Liberals last week, two Liberals. 

Newly elected Councillor Mark Gardiner has previously clashed with the Greens after his unsuccessful bid to shut down the Newtown community markets. For more information see Oct 2013 post “Newtown Markets Saved!

In 2013 the ALP made any arrangement to elect one of the Liberal Councillors Deputy Mayor in exchange for Liberal support for an ALP Mayor. See September 2013 post “Labor-Liberal Alliance on Marrickville Council continues

In 2012 the ALP made an arrangement with the Liberals to support one of the Conservative Independent as Mayor with an ALP Deputy.

Free wifi trial goes live

Media Release 23 October 2013

Council’s free wifi trial has gone live this week, with the last trial site in Enmore Park to be launched on Monday. The free wifi trial was implemented following a sustained campaign by the Greens through Marrickville Council, over a period of more than two years.

Greens Councillors Sylvie Ellsmore said, “I am absolutely thrilled that Marrickville Council’s free wifi plan is finally online.

“The Greens have been championing free or low cost wireless internet to be rolled out across the Local Government Area. We were successful in implementing the trial as a first step through a resolution of Marrickville Council in July.

“The wifi will be available in six trial sites at our most popular parks and public places. In Camperdown Memorial Park we are also trialling a solar powered hub.

“Free wifi encourages our residents to work and play outdoors, and importantly supports people with low incomes, including students, to enjoy our public parks and spaces.

Greens Councillors Melissa Brooks and Sylvie Ellsmore with local resident at Camperdown Memorial Park

Greens Councillors Melissa Brooks and Sylvie Ellsmore with local resident at Camperdown Memorial Park

“As a member of the Newtown Art Seat Curatorial Committee I am also interested in how the free wifi hub at Newtown Square might allow us to support digital artists to display their works,” she said.

The trial is being implemented at Camperdown Memorial Rest Park, the Newtown Art Seat and Newtown Square, Alex Trevallion Plaza off Marrickville Rd, the Debbie and Abbey Borgia Community Recreation Centre and Steele Park, on the Cooks River, and the Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre at Enmore Park.

Hubs have been installed by company Star-Tech, which has successfully supplied community wifi to other local Councils. The hubs have an average 50 metre range.

Free Wifi Smart Phone Image

Free Wifi Smart Phone Image

Clr Ellsmore said, “Members of the public can login in to “Marrickville Council Free Wifi” without a password and enjoy up to 1 hour or 200 MG of download.

“I encourage residents to log-on and check it out. As the trial proceeds we want people to let us know what they think – by registering a comment through the free Snap and Solve App or emailing the Councillors direct,” Clr Ellsmore said.

For more background about previous Greens Notice of Motions and Council Reports leading to the wifi trial see:

To download the Snap and Solve App visit

Media contact: Greens Councillor for North Ward, Sylvie Ellsmore 0403 977 213,

Newtown Markets saved!

Media release 15 October 2013

Greens and community force Council backflip on markets

The Newtown community markets have been saved, with Marrickville Council voting to overturn its earlier refusal of the Development Application to continue the markets.

Greens Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore, who represents Newtown, said, “Tonight half of the Marrickville Councillors changed their vote, in front of a packed gallery demanding Council save the markets. We saw Liberal and several Labor Councillors backflip in the face of a wave of anger from the community.

“This is a huge victory for the residents and the local business community, who rallied behind the markets. The Greens are the only party to have consistently stood with local residents in support of the markets,” she said.

Residents gather for Newtown Markets

Supporters of Newtown Markets gather outside Council before the vote, 15 October 2013

In a shock decision, the Liberals and a selection of ALP Councillors had voted in August to shut down the markets, which operates out of Council’s Newtown Square on King Street. The Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, which runs the markets, put in an immediate appeal and was able to keep operating until the appeal was decided tonight.

During the Marrickville Council meeting supporters of the markets packed the Marrickville Council gallery, wearing or carrying “I love Newtown Markets” signs and stickers.

Clr Ellsmore said, “In lead-up to the appeal Marrickville Councillors received nearly 4000 signatures on petitions and large numbers of detailed, individual submissions, one of the strongest responses ever received by Council. We received supportive submissions from numerous individual businesses – none opposed to the market – and a survey which showed there is 87% support for the markets from the local business strip.

“We heard from local residents who love the markets because it brings the community together, local manufacturers who got their start through a market stall, local artisans who use the markets to promote their wares and locals and residents alike who love the vibrant, creative and activist spirit of Newtown that the markets represent.

Residents at the Council meeting clapped in support as the Councillors announced they would vote to keep the markets

Residents at the Council meeting clapped in support as the Councillors announced they would vote to keep the markets

“Tonight’s win is a testament to the community and their campaign. If it had not been for the overwhelming community response the markets would have been shut down.

“The Greens were proud to support the community throughout their campaign by leading the charge on Council to save the markets. I was immensely proud tonight to be part of this important win for Newtown,” said Clr Ellsmore.

Media contact: Greens Councillor for North Ward, Sylvie Ellsmore 0403 977 213

For more background to the Council decisions leading up to the vote see previous posts:

12 October 2013 (including copies of meeting papers for the 15 October 2013 Council meeting) and

21 August 2013  (including copies of the original DA for the markets, staff recommendations and reports about the impacts on local business)

Free park wifi on track

***15 Oct 2013 UPDATE***

The Greens program for free wifi in local parks is set to start soon, with the 6 trial sites due to become live on 26 October 2013. The Camperdown trial will include solar power. Following the trial the Greens hope to see expanded free wifi across all public spaces and parks in the LGA.

Click to download a copy of recent Wifi Questions on Notice by the Greens about the implementation of the trial.

For more background about the Greens ongoing campaign for free wifi see previous post below

16 August 2013

Marrickville Council has voted to install free wireless internet in six trial ‘hotspots’, including several of Council’s most popular parks: Camperdown Memorial Park, the Newtown Art Seat, the WaterPlay Park at Steele Park, the Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre at Enmore Park and Marrickville Road.

Greens Councillors Melissa Brooks and Sylvie Ellsmore with local resident at Camperdown Memorial Park

Greens Councillors Melissa Brooks and Sylvie Ellsmore with local resident at Camperdown Memorial Park

Greens Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore, who moved the motion at the July Council meeting, said “The Greens have been working towards free wifi in our main pedestrian strips and parks for several years.”

Greens Councillor Max Phillips said, “Staying connected is increasingly important in today’s world, so providing free wifi in our parks gives residents options to enjoy the outdoors while staying connected.

“Free wifi in our parks gives those without much means to have their own connection will be able to connect to the internet, which is increasingly important in today’s society,” Clr Phillips said.

Clr Ellsmore said, “The Greens had identified several models for solar powered internet hubs which would work in our local area, and went to the Local Council election promising to implement a trial.

“We knew that the technology was available, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable,” she said.

After earlier reports examined models that were too costly for Council, the Greens pushed for further work to identify more cost effective options. The report received by Council at its July meeting identified several companies which could deliver hotspots with an initial 30-50 metre range at only $3,500 per site, and an option to become solar powered.

Council voted to implement the trial for 3 years, with a review in 12 months. Council also moved to explore options to promote public notifications and create revenue through the trial. A copy of the full recommendation passed by Council is below.

“Free wifi is a simple, local action that Councils can take which is good for business, and good for our communities. It’s just another small way we can encourage people to use and enjoy our public spaces and parks,” Clr Ellsmore said.

Media contact:             Greens Clr Sylvie Ellsmore 0403 977 213

16 July 2013 Council meeting (Clr Ellsmore)

Item 23 – Deployment of Public Wi-fi HotSpots at some of Marrickville’s main public places 


  1. Proceed immediately with the implementation of a trial of public internet Wi-Fi Hot-Spots across the Marrickville LGA;
  1. Implement the trial at six sites:
  • Newtown Square and Newtown Art Seat;
  • Camperdown Memorial Rest Park;
  • Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre and surrounding Enmore Park;
  • Alex Travillion Plaza, Marrickville Road;
  • Debbie Abbey Borgia Sports Centre; andThe Waterplay Park/ Steele Park adjoining the Cooks River.

3. Funding for the project to be considered in the next Budget Review of $65,000 over three years, or the equivalent of $3,500 per site per year, to fund the trial

4. Undertake further investigations to identify whether the Hot-Spots can be solar powered and, if this is an economically viable option, proceed with implementing solar powered Hot-Spots;

5. Noting the 30-50 metre likely range of the Wi-fi Hot Spots, where possible within the budget implement a second Wi-fi mode at one of the parks listed above to increase the reach across the whole area;

6. Delegate the General Manager to engage the company to install the HotSpots which is identified as the best value for money, under one of the options in the Confidential Meeting Papers, following further investigations to secure large or unlimited downloads where possible, within the confines of the approved budget;

7. Provide a further report to Council on options for Council to use the Hot Spots to:

a. Promote the work of Council and make community announcements; and/ or

b. Create revenue for Council through advertising; and

c. Provide a report on the implementation of the HotSpots to Council after 12 months.

See also 19 February 2013 Council meeting: Item 8 Deployment of Wi-fi Internet at Council’s Main Parks Feasibility Report, available from

Greens Councillors Melissa Brooks and Sylvie Ellsmore with local resident at Camperdown Memorial Park

Greens Councillors Melissa Brooks and Sylvie Ellsmore with local resident at Camperdown Memorial Park

For more information about the Greens campaign for free wifi check out some of our older posts including this post from February 2013 at

Vote on markets’ future Tuesday

Marrickville Councillors will vote to save or shut down the Newtown Markets at their meeting this Tuesday 15 October 2013. Please show your support for the markets by sending an email or text to the Marrickville Councillors.


  • Contact the Marrickville Councillors before Tuesday’s meeting at or by phone on the contacts below
  • Come to the markets on Saturday and sign the petition by the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
  • Come to the meeting at 6.30pm Tuesday 15 October, Council Chambers, 2-14 Fisher St, Petersham

You can also

Greens Newtown Markets

The Greens have been campaigning to save the markets. Greens Marrickville Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore said: “The markets are a much loved part of Newtown. The Greens want to see more local markets which promote our creative arts, promote local manufacturers, encourage use of our public spaces, and raise much needed funding for community programs. I am calling on the other Marrickville Councillors to vote to KEEP the Newtown Markets.”

Newtown Market Stall 20 August 2013   Newtown Market Stall 20 August 2013

180818 Markets Stall Residents SE CL mid res

Greens Clr Sylvie Ellsmore talks to residents signing petitions in support of the markets, August 2013

Why did the Council vote to shut the markets show down?

In August this year the newly elected Liberals and some of the Labor Councillors on Marrickville Council voted to shut down the community market, by rejecting the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre’s Development Application (DA) for use of Newtown Square. Tuesday’s meeting will decide the appeal against this decision.

The Councillors who moved to shut down the markets claimed that the markets: compete with local business; are an “inappropriate use” of the square; and there were problems with the DA. In fact, Councillors had received glowing reports about the positive impact on local business, and staff recommended approval of the DA. Copies of the papers provided to Councillors at their August meeting can be found in a previous post here.

Newtown Markets are good for business and the community

The markets are good for the whole community – they are enjoyed by local residents, with more than 2000 signing petitions in support – and importantly the markets fund some of the community programs run by the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre.

Newtown Markets are strongly supported by local businesses. A recent survey of 100 businesses on King St and Enmore Road found 87% of local businesses in Newtown support the markets and most think it increases business. A report by Council staff found the markets have been a successful “incubator”, giving several emerging businesses their start through a stall at the markets.

Copies of the Council papers for Tuesday’s Council meeting can be found on the Marrickville Council website – Item 5, Bedford Square (also known as Newtown Square).

Who are your Marrickville Councillors and do they support the markets?*

√ Greens Clr Sylvie Ellsmore 0403 977 213

√ Greens Clr Melissa Brooks 0409 235 802

√ Greens Clr Max Phillips 0419 444 916

√ Greens Clr David Leary 0409 421 323

√ ALP Clr Jo Haylen 0417 114 404

√ ALP Clr Sam Iskander 0421 494 515

X ALP Clr Chris Woods 0425 363 209

X ALP Clr Emanuel Tsardoulias 0432 684 120

X Liberal Clr Mark Gardiner 0402 424 987

X Liberal Clr Rosana Tyler 0414 859 630

X Conservative Independent Clr Victor Macri 0408 219 260

X Conservative Independent Clr Morris Hanna 0417 660 997

*Based on most recent votes

Group email all Councillors at or download the full Councillor Contact List here.

To follow the campaign or the Greens on Marrickville Council go to

WestConnex Public Meeting 10 Oct 2013

Map Proposed WestConnex Route 2013

Map Proposed WestConnex Route 2013

Join residents, public transport advocates & Greens Councillors at a public meeting to learn more about the NSW and Federal Government’s proposed WestConnex Sydney motorway. WestConnex is a $13 billion dollar 33km motorway project. In part, the proposed plan would extend the M4 from the Taverners Hill area to Strathfield and include the construction of a tunnel from Taverners Hill to St Peters via Camperdown. The Greens support investment in public transport not more roads and have released a comprehensive plan for Parramatta Rd (more information below).

Where: Leichhardt Town Hall, Cnr. Marion St and Norton St, Leichhardt

When: 6.30pm-8.00pm

Speakers: Dr Michelle Zeibots (Institute for Sustainable Futures), Gavin Gatenby (EcoTransit) and Tom Zubryzcki (Leichhardt resident and film-maker) and ABC science broadcaster Bernie Hobbs MC.

Light refreshments provided.

Public transport not motorways!

The Greens on Marrickville Council successfully moved for Marrickville Council to oppose the WestConnex project, which will redirect billions of dollars away from public transport and cut through residential areas including St Peters, Petersham and Newtown. However the State Government has recently announced it plans to being work on the first leg of the road, as the community campaign builds to prevent the project. For more information see the Media Releases section of this website or contact Greens Councillor David Leary.

The Greens support investment in public transport not more roads and have released a comprehensive plan for Parramatta Rd. For more information visit the website of Greens MP for Balmain Jamie Parker –

Greens plan for light rail to solve Parramatta Rd transport problems 2012

Greens plan for light rail to solve Parramatta Rd transport problems 2012

Local Greens Councillors worked with the community to force the former State Government to scrap it’s earlier plans for the extension of the M4. For more information see the No WestConnex Campaign Page.

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